by Navigate Your Healing | Jul 29, 2019 | Nervous System, Survival Strategies, Uncategorized
When I first learned of my son’s extremely high toxin load at the age of 5, I took immediate action to remove cleaning chemicals from my home. And then over the course of years, I’ve gradually shifted many other items and products. It can seem VERY overwhelming to...
by Navigate Your Healing | Jul 20, 2019 | Baby, Nervous System, Nutrition and Recipes
In Part 1 of this Endocrine System series, I outlined the basics of what the endocrine system is, the organs and glands involved and their functions. The take-away message from Part 1: The endocrine system is the communication system of the body that determines...
by Navigate Your Healing | May 13, 2019 | Chiropractic, Inspiration, Nervous System, Survival Strategies
I spend all winter looking forward to Spring and Summer. I thrive in the sun, the warmth and the renewal promise that Spring brings. But I’m a special needs mom and May brings with it some unexpected and unwanted challenges. And those challenges ALWAYS serve...
by Navigate Your Healing | Jun 12, 2018 | Brain Building, Nervous System, Survival Strategies
Today I gave my son a haircut. And by normal standards, it was uneventful. And the fact that it was uneventful means by Autism standards – IT WAS AMAZING! My son is 15 years old and has always had sensory issues and nervous system challenges with haircuts. I’ve spent...
by Navigate Your Healing | May 28, 2018 | Nutrition and Recipes
This last week at the AutismOne conference in Chicago, I attended a few really informative workshops. Here is a summary of information from Dr. Logan’s presentation on Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth – aka SIBO. We are dealing with SIBO and honestly, most of...