“Do you have anxiety about your child turning 18?”

Parents of children with disabilities are often in the dark about what happens after their child turns 18 and is no longer in the public school system. This course will help you understand the options that may exist and how to get started in accessing them.

Are you ready to transition?

Imagine your child thriving as an adult

  • What if you didn’t have to feel overwhelmed with the thought of having to apply for programs?
  • Imagine you’re already transitioned for your child turning 18
  • Imagine you have the steps in your hands for this transition

Wouldn’t that be amazing?

Join the Course

As a member of Navigate Your Healing, you get access to the course “From Barely Surviving to Thriving“.

In this course, you’ll learn:

This course will provide parents with a starting point and roadmap for how to start planning for their child’s transition into adulthood.

In this course, you’ll learn:

  • Systems of support (social security, Medicaid etc.)
  • Guardianship/Legal options
  • Realities of adult disability services
  • Being proactive and Managing Your Mindset as your child ages

You also get an ACTION GUIDE that provides specific steps and guidance on how to move forward with the planning and implementation process. *Disclaimer: This is not legal advice.

“You might be thinking…”

I don’t put myself first.

I’m already overwhelmed.

There are others like you. Just look at what they had to say.

“Amy Yardley is a fantastic addition to any special needs family’s support staff. She comes to the table with a compassionate heart, a big brain, and a plethora of tools to help you make your life run more efficiently. Amy has a special heart for the mothers and she creates programs catered specifically to their needs. This is a huge win if you ask me as the mother’s pain is often hidden in plain sight. She understands firsthand what neglecting yourself can do and she helps you dig your way out of that. Personally, she is one of my go-to people when I feel overwhelmed. She is very gifted at taking a big goal and chopping into smaller, digestible, and easy to implement strategies. I have used Amy’s services for myself and have recommended her to many clients through the years. I promise you she is the best at what she does and she truly wants you and your family to succeed. Your heart is safe with her.”

Mallory McClelland
Energy Healer and Intuitive Business Coach for Moms

I’m Amy Yardley

As a mother of a child with autism and other medical complexities, I have experienced living a life in crisis and working my way through that to loving thriving in life.

My quest to understand my son’s core issues has been one filled with tears of sorrow and tears of joy. I spent several years solely focusing on my son and his needs, neglecting myself. I learned a lot about HIS brain, HIS body, HIS innate healing system but I didn’t feel compelled to apply any of that to myself. I wasn’t the one needing help – at least that’s what I told myself.

Now, I can help you.

Navigate Your Healing


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