hope, love, healing
For parents and caregivers of children with Autism, ADD/ADHD, Sensory Processing, PANS/PANDAS, Learning Disabilities and Behavioral Challenges

This is your virtual GPS to help you navigate the complicated and overwhelming world of parenting a child with neuro-behavioral challenges. I provide a roadmap and system of foundational strategies that you can do in your home TODAY that will help you bring balance to your nervous system and will help you improve your expression of life.

mom on a mission
I am on your team. My life was filled with chaos, worry, fear, guilt, grief – you name it, I was feeling it.
My son was first diagnosed with Autism at age 4 and at the start of puberty, he spiraled into a deep and dark PANS flare. Then we confirmed he had Lyme and co-infections as well as the blood disorder, hemochromatosis.
It’s just easier for me to say “he’s medically and behaviorally complex”.
I spent years trying to figure out how to help my son only to realize that I too needed help because I was so stressed out and I could feel my health slipping away. You are not alone. There are steps you can take to help your child AND yourself that don’t require a lot of money or outside supports. Self Care is what we must do IN OUR LIVES, not something we do to ESCAPE OUR LIVES.
I’ve created this community because I’m passionate about caretaker health and quality of life. I provide real answers, real solutions for the life you are currently living and I do it in ways that fit your life. I can do this because I AM YOU and I understand what this life is like and how unrelenting the responsibilities are. You are worth it and your children deserve parents who are healthy and thriving.

navigate your struggles
I had a friend ask me how to explain to family members that she’s not being lazy or unmotivated.
Her family feels that way because it seems like she can’t get “simple” things done around the house while also caring for her child (who has an autism diagnosis).
I hear this a lot, mostly from married moms. It’s obvious that single-moms have more work than time so they don’t often get this sort of commentary from family.
Instantly I knew exactly what she was talking about. But I was having a hard time putting together words that would allow others to “really get it”.
There are several issues at play and together they compound the feelings of overwhelm that most primary care-givers of children with disabilities feel all of the time.
But this isn’t just about FEELINGS. It’s also about the division of labor.

it is time to navigate to healing
So often I hear special needs parents say “I have to live forever” yet they put themselves last on the list of people to take care of. Self care can seem like just another thing on the list to get to but with my program and supported community, you’ll find your soft place to land. My program is designed SPECIFICALLY for you and what your life entails. You’re not going to find anything like it anywhere else nor will you find it at such a “special needs family friendly” price.

“Every provider working with families with kids or adults impacted by neurodevelopmental disorders or behavioral/learning/socialization challenges should have Navigate Your Healing on board as a platform to help support the self care and emotional health of the parents and the entire family unit. The piece that’s so often forgotten is how to support the parent as they are supporting their children in their clinically healing journey. This can be extremely overwhelming, depressing and a difficult situation for families who don’t have anywhere to turn. This is exactly what Amy Yardley provides – a safe place to look for implementable and realistic options for parents to take care of themselves and how to find joy and happiness in the life they are living despite their current challenges.”
Dr. Amy Spoelstra, FOCUS Academy